Sisterhood. Scholarship. Service. Social Action.




On behalf of the Jackson (MS) Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc.  It gives us great pleasure to welcome you to our chapter website. With a chapter of over 400 committed professionals, JMAC is dedicated to serving the cities of Jackson and Tougaloo, and Rankin County with gratitude, courage, and love! With a rich history of sisterhood, scholarship, and service that spans more than 80 years, we have proudly served our community and we look forward to continuing to have a prominent presence in the community with a focus on service for decades to come! We invite you to browse our website and become familiar with our chapter leaders, officers, committee chairs, and find information related to our programs, activities, events, and initiatives.


Our programs are aligned with the objectives and goals of our sorority and directly reflects our organization’s Five-Point Programmatic Thrust:

Economic Development, Educational Development, International Awareness and Involvement, Physical and Mental Health, Political Awareness and Involvement 


If you are a member of our illustrious sisterhood and you are seeking a chapter home, Jackson (MS) Alumnae Chapter is the place for you! We welcome you to visit the section of our website labeled “Visiting Sorors.”  If you are a supporter of this chapter and would like to attend our public chapter programs/events, we encourage you to frequently visit our chapter website and follow us on our social media platforms on Facebook and  Instagram


Nakisha, Juanake’, and LaToya


National economic trends, such as unstable employment, the threat to Social Security as we know it, and the widening gap between wealth and poverty are the basis for the development of Financial Fortitude, the current Economic Development program initiative of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. Financial Fortitude is a process that will help program participants to set and define goals, develop a plan to achieve them, and to put the plan into action. The process serves as a blueprint to address all aspects of personal finances.


The Financial Fortitude initiative is comprised of ten components and provides a collaboration of information from major economic corporations and other well-known financial institutions. The ten components include: Goal Setting, Financial Planning, Budgeting, Debt Management, Savings & Investments, Retirement Planning, Homeownership, Insurance, Estate Planning, and Entrepreneurship.

The initiative helps members of the Sorority spread financial education throughout their local communities.

Delta Academy was created out of an urgent sense that bold action was needed to save our young females (ages 11-14) from the perils of academic failure, low self-esteem, and crippled futures. Delta Academy provides an opportunity for local Delta chapters to enrich and enhance the education that our young teens receive in public schools across the nation. specifically, we augment their scholarship in math, science, and technology, their opportunities to provide service in the form of leadership through service learning, and their sisterhood defined as the cultivation and maintenance of relationships. A primary goal of the program is to prepare young girls for full participation as leaders in the 21st Century.


A natural outgrowth and expansion for the continuation of the highly successful Dr. Betty Shabaaz Delta Academy: Catching the Dreams of Tomorrow, Delta Gems was created to catch the dreams of African American at-risk, adolescent girls aged 14-18. Delta GEMS provides the frame work to actualize those dreams through the performance of specific tasks that develop a CAN DO attitude.


The E.M.B.O.D.I. (Empowering Males to Build Opportunities for Developing Independence) program is designed to refocus the efforts of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., with the support and action of other major organizations, on the plight of African-American males. Both informal and empirical data suggests that the vast majority of African-American males continues to be in crisis and is not reaching its fullest potential educationally, socially and emotionally. EMBODI is designed to address these issues through dialogue, and recommendations for change and action. EMBODI will include a program format and information template. The delivery options may include a town hall meeting, workshops, and/or teen leadership summits.

Through international awareness and involvement projects, members of the chapter and the community will broaden their knowledge and understanding of nations other than their own, increase interest in international affairs, and aid in developing a greater appreciation for people of different background and cultures.

As an organization of predominantly African American women, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is uniquely positioned to impact not only the well-being of its membership, but also the families and communities we serve.

Political Awareness and Involvement is actualized through Social Action within Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. has a long history of Social Action activities.


In March of 1913, nearly six weeks after its founding, several Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Founders marched in the historic Suffragist March under the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Banner, the Sorority’s first public act. Today, low voter turnout statistics highlight the need to continue to identify ways to include opportunities for all citizens to exercise their voting power. Each of Delta’s programmatic initiatives has an advocacy component that is implemented under the auspices of social action when it is appropriate or necessary to do so.

To learn more about the Five Point Programmatic Thrust, visit our Grand Chapter’s website at www.deltasigmatheta.org.

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